History of Physics Group
Meeting 29th October 2005
Lecture Theatre A of
the Civil Engineering Building
University of Leeds
The provisional program starting at 2pm is:
William Rowan Hamilton and the Tait-Hamilton correspondence
David Wilkins, Trinity College, Dublin
(see his article in Physics World, August 2005)
The Life and work of the Braggs
Jeff Hughes University of Manchester
Astbury and the beginnings of Biophysics at the University of Leeds
Tony North, University of Leeds
In addition Peter Ford hopes to show a short video (ten minutes)
of W.H. Bragg lecturing at the Institution of Electrical Engineers around 1934.
The meeting is free of charge and open to all.
Annual General Meeting 2005
The Annual General Meeting of the Group is scheduled to take place
on Saturday 29th October 2005 in Lecture Theatre A of the Civil Engineering
building in the University of Leeds at about 4.45pm following the lectures
of the October Meeting listed above.
The current officers and committee are listed here.
Please contact the Group Secretary Dr Peter J. Ford at the address on the
contacts page, if you have any items you want to be
included in the agenda.
Our last AGM was in October 2004.
Page last updated 18 September 2005