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During World War II he worked on the effects of explosive charges for the
Royal Naby, then directed the Tube Alloys project, a codename for
research on nuclear weapons. He was the head of the British delegation to
the Manhatten project when British Scientists joined the American atomic
bomb project at Los Aamos. He watched the Trinity test Detonation and witnessed the bombing of Nagasaki. With Royal Navy engineers he designed and
supervised development of the Mulberry Harbours placed on Normandy beaches
during the D-Day invasion.
He became chairman of the United Kingdom Atomic
Energy Authority in 1962. He strove to bring about a ban on nuclear testing and was dissapointed that only a ban on atmospheric testing was acheived in 1963.
He was Rector of Imperial College from 1967 to 1973.
In 1987 Imperial Colldge built the William Penney Laboratory in his honour.