Events organised by others in earlier years
Arranged chronologically the most recent at the top.
Years so far in this index 2012.
Royal Society of Edinburgh
C T R Wilson, a great Scottish Physicist:
his life, work and legacy
Friday 7 December 2012
Full details contact the RSE Events Department or from their website,
including availablity of accommodation.
London and South East Branch of IOP
Retired members section, (REMS)
An 'At Home' meeting is planned for 12 January 2012 to be held at IOP headquarters on
'Science in the late 17th century'
details can be found at
their website Click on the side panel 'Events in the pipeline' to see this 'At Home'.
This includes a talk by Sir Arnold Wolfendale on
'Robert Hooke and the Scientific Environment'
he will unveil Hooke's portrait just before lunch.
Page last updated 24 Jan 2013