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History of Physics Group
Annual General Meeting 2008

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the History of Physics Group will be held at

4.30pm on 10th December 2008

in the Chadwick Building, University of Liverpool


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous AGM
  3. Matters arising from the minutes
  4. Chairman‘s report
  5. Honorary Secretary‘s report
  6. Election of committee/group officers
  7. Any other business (please notify the Honorary Secretary in advance)

The group is always looking for enthusiastic members to join the group committee. In particular we are looking for a group treasurer. If you are interested in joining the committee then please contact the honorary secretary, Malcolm Cooper, at the address given on the contacts page.

It would be very helpful if you would notify the honorary secretary if you expect to attend the AGM. If you cannot attend the AGM but have any issues you would like to be raised at the meeting or if you would like a nomination form please contact the honorary secretary.

No fee is charged to attend the Annual General Meeting.

Page last updated 25 November 2008